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5 Serious Side Effects of Junk Food on Teenagers

5 Serious Side Effects of Junk Food on Teenagers #Best Gynecologist in Bhopal Are your efforts to dole out a healthy and nutritional diet for your teenager during his growing years going waste? Is your teenager ignoring the merits of home-cooked meals and only craving for processed food? What Is Junk Food? Any food that has no or very less nutritional value falls under the category of junk food. Most nutritionists consider junk foods as unhealthy and harmful. Some of the popular junk food that your teen may show an addiction for our burgers, sausages, candies, sodas, pizzas and the like. What Are Effects Of Junk Food On Teenagers? Fast foods or junk foods are loaded with flavors, making it a real hit with your teen. Here is how the love of junk food can take a toll on your teen’s health. Consequences of junk food for teens are high. Learn the impact of junk food on teenagers:
  1. Obesity:
One of the most general side effects of having junk food is obesity. Junk food has loads of sugar, calories, and fat. Addiction to junk food leads to weight gain. Obesity may cause medical issues like diabetes, cancer or joint pain in later life.
  1. Dental Issues:
Junk food and aerated drinks are usually a storehouse of sugar. Excess intake of sodas and pop drinks can prove harmful to your teen’s oral health. Regular consumption of junk food can lead to tooth decay and gum disease in your teen.
  1. Inadequate Growth and Development:
Your teen will gain about 20 percent of his height and about 50 percent of his weight during the teen years. However, if you’re a teen is mostly consuming junk food he can suffer from vagarious nutrient deficiencies which can hamper his growth.
  1. High Blood Pressure:
Most junk food items are high on sodium. Regular intake of junk food can significantly raise blood pressure levels of your teenager. High blood pressure can lead to other health issues like heart attacks and even stroke. Health experts recommend no more than 2400 mg of sodium a day for your teen. A ten-ounce pack of potato chips alone contains 1680 mg of sodium.
  1. Poor Concentration Levels and Constant Fatigue:
If your teen is gorging on junk food regularly, it means he is not consuming a healthy and balanced diet. In the absence of intake of the necessary vitamins and minerals, your teen may suffer from excessive fatigue. He may feel drowsy even after having a good night’s sleep. Constant tiredness can dent your teen’s concentration levels.  

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