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Is It Safe To Do Zumba During Pregnancy?

Is It Safe To Do Zumba During Pregnancy? #Best Gynecologist in Bhopal Are you pregnant and miss dancing? Do you find the idea of prenatal exercises boring? Well, if you can relate to the above conditions reading this post is a good idea! Ditch the workout, join the party. That’s the motto of Zumba. Zumba, a high-impact dance workout, is the latest form of fun exercise, pregnant women across the globe prefer today. It would always be advisable to find a regimen that suits your fitness needs especially during pregnancy. But if Zumba is your pick, then this article is for you. Do you want to know more about the safety of this high energy workout during pregnancy? Why Is Zumba A Good Prenatal Workout? Can you do Zumba while pregnant? The answer is yes. Pregnant women can choose from a variety of safe pregnancy workouts like stretching, yoga, walking, swimming, etc. However, Zumba is increasingly becoming the most popular workout for pregnant women as the fun combination of sizzling dance moves, and the thumping Latino beats can lift your spirits and beat those pregnancy blues! What more, as you shake a leg, you can feel your baby moving with you too! Zumba and pregnancy can be a fun deal together. Different Types of Zumba The different variants of Zumba include traditional Zumba, Zumba Gold, Zumba Toning, Aqua Zumba, Zumbatomic and Zumba Marumba. You can talk to your instructor and find out the form that is perfect for you during pregnancy. Pregnant women prefer to opt for Aqua Zumba as it offers the high energy fun of classic Zumba but in refreshing cool waters. Is Zumba Safe For Pregnant Women? American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists states that in the absence of contraindications healthy pregnant women can go ahead and commonly participate in physical activities of moderate-intensity. It also advises that pregnant women should not have a heart rate of more than 140 beats a minute during an exercise regimen. It also recommends a workout session of 30 minutes a day for expecting women. Since, Zumba meets both these criteria it is a safe prenatal exercise. Risk Factors Seek immediate medical help if you feel any of the following symptoms of discomfort while Zumba dancing.
  • Vaginal bleeding or fluid leakage.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Increase in uterine contractions.
  • Unbearable pain or swelling, especially in the calf muscles.
  • Dizziness and chest pain.