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KILL ENDOMETRIOSIS, KILL YOUR PAIN #Best Gynecologist in Bhopal WHAT IS ENDOMETRIOSIS? The lining of your uterus is called the endometrium. Endometriosis happens when endometrial tissue grows on your ovaries, bowel, and tissues lining your pelvis.   SYMPTOMS OF ENDOMETRIOSIS?
  • PAIN
  • INFERTILITY (not able to conceive)
REASON FOR PAIN IN ENDOMETRIOSIS?   The hormonal changes in your menstrual cycle affect the misplaced endometrial tissue, causing the area to become inflamed and painful. TREATMENT FOR ENDOMETRIOSIS/ENDOMETRIOTIC CYST? NSAID, hormonal contraceptive pills and depot formulations in drug therapy. MIRENA Surgeries conducted are laparoscopy, hysterectomy, and oophorectomy. (surgery not always essential) Is endometriosis cancer? No. Endometriosis is a benign disease and although it can spread it does not behave like cancer. There are also some rare cases where endometriotic cysts have become cancerous. FOR ANY ENQUIRY CALL ON 9897576976 GET THE MOST AUTHENTIC AND LATEST TREATMENT UNDER MOST AFFORDABLE RATES. 6YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN ENDOMETRIOSIS  

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