Types of Yoga Postures You Should Avoid During Pregnancy
Types of Yoga Postures You Should Avoid During Pregnancy
Overstretching the ligaments, twisting, and bending could be damaging to you and the fetus. Here are a few types of postures that are considered inappropriate for pregnant women.
- Headstand pose, or the Adho Mukha Vrksasana, necessitate you to pose upside down.
Reason to avoid- As there is a trouble in the hormonal balance during pregnancy, this pose may reason dizziness in some women. Moreover, balancing yourself on the head is tricky and comes with the risk of falling. This asana needs precise balancing, and lack of practice could lead to damage to yourself and the fetus.
- Boat pose, also known as Paripurna Navasana, is a compression asana that helps strengthen the core muscles.
Reason to avoid: The first trimester marks the implantation of the fetus to the uterine wall and the development of the placenta. This yoga pose involves compression of the abdomen and the blood vessels, which can restrict the blood flow to the uterus.
- Half prayer twisting pose, or the Ardha Namaskar Parsvakonasana, is a twisting asana that help out strengthen the thigh and core muscles and enlarge the spinal mobility.
Reason to avoid: It compresses the blood vessels in the abdomen, restricting adequate blood flow to the uterus. This can damagingly affect the growth of the fetus.
- Half moon pose, also known as the Ardha Chandrasana, is a huge pose to align the spine and strengthen the core.
Reason to avoid: The twisting pose needs great constancy. It can also limit the blood flow to the uterus. Moreover, you might fall if the body is not balanced properly.
- Abdominal poses that necessitate compression of the abdomen are not ideal. These can constrict the blood flow to the fetus and stretch the ligament too.
- It is better to avoid breathing techniques that need you to hold your breath for a long time. Also, keep away from poses such as bellows breath or breathe of fire that necessitates rapid or quick belly movements.
- Backbends necessitate overstretching of the abdominal ligaments and must be totally skipped, especially during the second and third trimesters
- Yoga poses that involve transitions of the body, such as moving forward to backward or vice versa (like the sun salutation pose), should be avoided during the first trimester as it could affect the implantation of the embryo.
- Belly down or prone poses require lying flat over a surface, on the abdomen. This exerts pressure on the abdomen, which is not recommended during any trimester of pregnancy
(Best Gynecologist in Bhopal)
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